Conference with Sharath: Yoga is a Mental Practice
Note to self: When you’re told to be at the yoga shala at a specific time, show up at LEAST 45 minutes before, because whatever it is,...
Mysore Diaries: Motherhood Style
Raising your own little human is hard work in general, and it's magnified when you take that little human across the world with you....
Traveling to India: The Sean Shelton Edition
Can you feel at home anywhere in the world? I think if we are truly honest with ourselves the answer would be no. After all, our home is...
Mysore Diaries: First Practice
Yesterday was the first day of Mysore practice in the shala. I got there a little early because I wasn't sure what to expect, but, as a...
Mysore Diaries: First Impressions
Three smooth plane rides and 34 hours later, we finally landed in Bangalore. Our taxi man pulled the car up and helped us load all our...
Packing for India - w/ a BABY!
As many of you know, Sean and I are traveling to India at the end of this month (!!) to practice Ashtanga yoga at the K. Pattabhi Jois...
The Eight Limbs of Yoga: Niyamas & Saucha
The niyamas are the second limb of yoga. Just like the yamas, there are five niyamas. They can be thought of as healthy daily habits that...
The Subtleties of Forward Folds: Prasarita Padottanasana A
Forward folds have become increasingly special in my own yoga practice. For me, forward folds are so introspective, so calming and...
Pose of the Week: Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
We have a bright new week ahead of us, yogis, and with it we have one of my personal favorite poses, Camel Pose! This is a great...
Trekking to India: Yoga Lessons I'm Taking Off the Mat
It's late. In all honesty I should probably be sleeping. Yoga practice comes early. But here I am, lying in bed way past bed time because...