7 Q's to Bring you Back to the Present
Take a few minutes to go through these questions, either writing your answers down on paper or simply answering in your head. Marinate...
Understanding Niyamas: Santosha
Imagine a neighborhood. The sun has set and the moon is bright, and everyone has fallen idly asleep. It’s peaceful, quiet, and so very...
Practice & all is Coming
Yoga is defined in the Yoga Sutra as "the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind." A state of unwavering, simple, pure presence. What...
Understanding Yamas: Asteya
Asteya, the third Yama. In Sanskrit, the language of yoga, asteya translates to "non-stealing," or the ability to resist a desire for...
Yogi Musings: Sacred Simplicity
I'm currently lying in bed, drinking my coffee with a novel to my right and a sweet sleeping baby boy to my left. It's quiet in the...