Pose of the Week: Baddha Konasana A, AKA Bound Angle Pose
A new week is ahead of us, yogis! Our newest pose is Baddha Konasana A, or Bound Angle Pose. You may also know it as Butterfly Pose....
Practice & all is Coming
Yoga is defined in the Yoga Sutra as "the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind." A state of unwavering, simple, pure presence. What...
Pose of the Week: Ardha Matsyendrasana, A.K.A. Half Lord of the Fishes Pose
Happy Sunday and Happy Mother's Day! We hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend and are looking forward to the new week ahead! This...
Pose Of The Week: Janusirsasana A, A.K.A. "Head to Knee Pose"
Hi Yogis! Welcome to your Pose Of The Week; Janusirsasana A! This is one of the first seated forward folds in the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Seri
Pose of the Week: Bakasana, Crane Pose
Bakasana, or Crane pose, is perfect for those just beginning their arm balancing journey, and is probably the first arm balance you will...
Understanding Yamas: Asteya
Asteya, the third Yama. In Sanskrit, the language of yoga, asteya translates to "non-stealing," or the ability to resist a desire for...
Pose of the Week: Pigeon/Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
Eka Pada Rajakapotasana Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, also known as One Foot King Pigeon Pose (or Pigeon Pose for short) is a deep hip opener...
Pose of the Week: Upward Facing Dog
Hi yogis & yoginis! It's Monday, which means I have a new pose for us to dive into for the week. This week's asana is Urdvha Mukha...
The Eight Limbs of Yoga: Yamas & Ahimsa
The practice of yoga asana, or the physical practice of yoga, is only one aspect in leading a yogic life. An individual truly begins...
Know Your Teachers: Sean Shelton
Get To Know Your Teachers: Sean Shelton