How to Embody the Essence of Yoga
Yoga is a practice of turning inward in hopes of achieving self-realization and actualizing a more peaceful life. It is a lifelong...
Trekking to India: Yoga Lessons I'm Taking Off the Mat
It's late. In all honesty I should probably be sleeping. Yoga practice comes early. But here I am, lying in bed way past bed time because...
Pose of the Week: Shoulder Stand, AKA Salamba Sarvangasana
Happy Sunday, yogis! Your pose of the week is Salamba Sarvangasana, also known as Supported Shoulder Stand in Sanskrit. Watch the video...
The Best Yoga Mats of 2018
The yoga community has grown immensely in the past decade, and as such, there are yoga businesses and brands popping up all the time....
Pose of the Week: Baddha Konasana A, AKA Bound Angle Pose
A new week is ahead of us, yogis! Our newest pose is Baddha Konasana A, or Bound Angle Pose. You may also know it as Butterfly Pose....
Practice & all is Coming
Yoga is defined in the Yoga Sutra as "the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind." A state of unwavering, simple, pure presence. What...
Understanding Yamas: Aparigraha
The Eight Limbs of Yoga: Yamas Aparigraha is the final Yama, or moral code of the yogis. It is commonly translated as non-grasping. It...
Understanding Yamas: Brahmacharya
The Eight Limbs of Yoga: Yamas, the first limb. Brahmacharya, the fourth Yama. Brahmacharya literally translates to "to master the...
Pose of the Week: Bakasana, Crane Pose
Bakasana, or Crane pose, is perfect for those just beginning their arm balancing journey, and is probably the first arm balance you will...
Get Better Night's Rest with these Sleep Hacks
Do you have a hard time falling asleep at night? I used to find myself tossing and turning in bed for hours before actually being able to...