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Yogi Musings: Sacred Simplicity

I'm currently lying in bed, drinking my coffee with a novel to my right and a sweet sleeping baby boy to my left. It's quiet in the house, aside from the sound of running water from the fish tank and a clang or clatter here and there from Sean bustling about in the kitchen. I can feel Connor's quiet, smooth breath on my skin, the warmth of the sun beaming through the window, hitting my bare shoulders.

It's beautiful. Simple and sacred.

I often think of how the beauty of simplicity gets lost in our busy lives. In an age where faster is better, louder is stronger, and constant movement is always praised, it's easy to rush through the still moments.

We believe there's always something better to be doing, so we disengage from the seemingly boring or unproductive present moment. We scroll through social media, turn on Netflix or work overtime-- and there's nothing wrong with these things in and of themselves, really. It depends on the intent behind the action.

But when we make it a habit to disconnect from the here and now, whether through technology or work or something else, because the present moment is too much for us (or doesn't seem important enough), that's when we need to pause, reflect, and listen.

Take a moment right now to pause. Put your phone down, close your eyes. Feel in your body the here and now. Notice your feet touching the ground, the clothes wrapped around your skin, the temperature of the air, the sounds around you, your breath.

Peace is found in Pure Awareness, and Pure Awareness only resides in the present moment.

Yoga is happening all around you, all the time, not just on your mat. Everything is magic. All of it is sacred. Even something as simple as lying in bed with your baby and a hot coffee can be a spiritual experience. By tapping into the present moment, we can witness the sacred oneness of all things and live life in awe and gratitude. We can feel the divine within and without.

To become aware of the sacredness weaving through every moment.

To be beautifully, messily human in all it's greatness and boredom.

That is a spiritual act.

For love, with love.


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