Themes of Virgo Season
Happy Virgo Season, Yogis!
Summer is coming to an end and we’re beginning to feel Autumn around the corner (first official day of fall is September 23rd). In Arizona, its a little more subtle, but the shift is still happening. You may have noticed the sun rises a little later and night creeps in a little sooner, for instance. September instigates a transition, not just in nature’s turntables but also in our own lives and daily habits. As humans we’re affected by the seasons and planets— perhaps more than we realise.
Virgo season is from August 23-September 22 so we’re pretty much in the midst of it now. The more we can consciously align ourselves with the cycles of the earth, the moon, and planets, the more harmony we’ll find in our daily rhythms.
Themes of Virgo:
Being of service is a huge theme of this season. How can you better serve your community? And perhaps more importantly, how can you better show up for yourself in order to be of service to the collective? We have to fill our own cup in order to pour into others. So cliche I know but also so TRUE. Virgo invites us to take care of our individual selves for the purpose of bringing that presence, compassion, and service to our family, friends, work, etc...
...Which brings me to another key theme of Virgo: health! Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual healing. Ideally we’re always prioritising our health and well being, but pay special attention now. Take inventory. Vow to:
Eat your veggies. Get out in the sunshine. Drink lots of water and herbal teas. Go to yoga class. Meditate. Sleep at least 8 hours a night. Spend quality time with people you love. That right there is a prescription for health and happiness!
Virgo season is a wonderful time to look at your life and analyse. If you continue every day doing the same things you’re doing now, where will you be? Where are your daily actions taking you 3, 5, 10 years from now? Do you need to let go of some behaviours, responsibilities, relationships in order to continue growing in a positive direction? Or perhaps you realise that, actually, you have a lot more time and room in your schedule to be more assertive regarding your goals and desires than you initially believed. Virgo season is a great opportunity to shuffle your life around to make sure you’re on the best possible track.
Since Virgo gives us the great energy and ability to see things clearly, we can use the conclusions from our above analayse to organise and set ourselves up for success! Maybe that means decluttering your living spaces or doing some meal prepping for the week or setting up boundaries around your schedule (or adding more into your schedule if you’re feelin’ it!) in an effort to create more order and focus in your life.
This Virgo season is all about optimising greatness within the community, managing wellness and daily living, and moving forward unimpeded. So go out there, be of service in whatever way you know how, love yourself and others, and stay well, yogis!
Om Shanti!